Haven't seen it yet. I hear it is more first person perspective than the original. Sounds like it is worth seeing.

Having worked out escape scenarios for back home long ago, I've thought of ways to avoid the obvious traffic snafus, so it is just a matter of coming up with a one minute drill. If the family is all together at home, which isn't too likely anymore, then we could pretty much load the burb with everything we need in that time. With just me and the wife, we might not get it all, but we'd have a darned good start. One obstacle to deal with is the human element.

Perhaps first on the list is weapons. I wouldn't be grabbing all of mine, but I would grab the mini-14s, the bag O' mags, the shotguns, the 30-30, the Glock, the Taurus, the Ruger 10/22, and maybe the browning 7mm mag. That will kill 30 seconds for me. The wife will grab clothes, that kills 30 seconds for her.

I will then grab the two grub boxes and two dutch ovens, she will grab the water. I will grab the tent, she will grab the sleeping bags. I will grab the tool box, she will grab the chainsaw and gas can. On our way out the door, we grab our BOBs and our minute is done. The grub boxes contain all my cooking utensils, coffee pot, and basic food items (flour, sugar, coffee, oil, baking powder, spices, noodles, various dried beans, papertowels, soap, TP, enough food for two people for two weeks basically). The tool box contains all the basic wrenches, sockets, pliers, screwdrivers, DMM, wire ties, wire, tape, hammers, nails, screws, etc. I keep the gas tank in the burb pretty much full since it doesn't get driven all that much, and I have an offroad path to a secluded location in the cascades where there are more supplies and a cabin and a complex cave network to go hang out in. If I drive hard, I can be there in less than three hours on backroads no one else is likely to be on, let alone know about. I have alternate locations to head to as well, depending on what seems the best route away from the trouble.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)