*The Altoids tin kit is pretty close to what Doug has shown here on ETS, minus the Spark Lite and tinder (replaced with a mini BiC lighter).
*The AMK zippered pouch is somewhat close to Doug's commercial PSK, but slightly larger. I have a Silva wristband compass, Fox 40 whistle, cable/zip ties, fresnel magnifying glass, Photon II, waterproof paper, golf pencil, Gerber water bag, MP-1 water purification tablets, aluminum foil, 2'x3' signal mirror, Spark Lite with tinder, Nato match vial, and a tiny first aid kit.
*The Lock & Lock container is essentially a duplicate version of my AMK zippered pouch kit. The main difference being the addition of a pair of gloves, two red light sticks, a mini AA Mag-Lite, extra AA batteries and bulbs, P38 can opener, two-blade Camillus folding pocketknife, and an emergency poncho.
*The orange Trunk Kit already has a posting on here with pictures I uploaded a week or so ago:;sb=&o=