If you are planning to use Aspirin for Stroke/Cardiac emergencies you are better off with baby aspirin, chewable tablets each one at 81mg... total does for adult should be 162mgs. By chewing aspiring you absorb it much faster thru mucus membranes than by swallowing it therefore absorbing it thru stomach lining. Also if you are giving it away remember to ask about alergies and current medications such as Cumadin or Wafarin.

Just my 2 cents.

Medication wise you are pretty much set if this is just for your EDC. Otherwise bandaids, small alcohol wipes (or iodine wipes) and antibiotic oinment should also be there.

My FAK is little different than yours because I work as a medic and have access to meds that you wont have but when I run around and dont want to be bothered with checking in needles or explaining that unlabled pills are Ciprio than I carry what you have listed.