I have also chosen to make a small FAK that is a little bit survival oriented. Mine is kept in a Spec.-Ops. Frontal Assault bag that I find easy to throw into which ever bag I happen to be carrying at the time.

A couple of things you might find useful in your kit are rubber gloves and a light to do your first aid by. Today you need to protect yourself and others while doing first aid. I am sure everyone will say they have a light in one of their other kits or in their EDC but a small LED key chain light in the FAK will always be there when you need it.

My method of carrying my medications will not agree with everyone but works well for me. I use a 2oz Nalgene bottle to put all my meds in so they will be waterproof. It is also much cheaper to buy bottles on OTC meds than blister packs. My water resistant label on the bottle tells what meds are in the bottle the dose per pill, the color, markings and numbers marked on each pill. I keep 4 meds in the bottle that meet most of my needs. 1: Ultracet (non narcotic pain killer) 2: Tylenol 3: Ibuprofen 4: Antihistamines.

My kit also includes a small roll of TP with feminine products stuffed into the center of the roll, a small Silva sighting compass, fire starting kit, small roll of duct tape, nail clippers, tweezers and cough drops. My scalpel blades I took out last time I flew and need to be returned to the kit.

The duct tape works for a good blister aid and preventive as well as a general fix it all. I wrapped 5-6 ft. around a piece of soda straw to make a very compact roll easy to carry in any kit.

This kit is more than just a general FAK it is stuff I use and want to have with me. It has helped me deal with life’s little bumps in the road as well as other things that come up on occasion.
When the wolf attacks he will find that some who run with the flock are not sheep!