As I do periodically, I'm rethinking the first aid supplies that I keep in my outdoor PSK (BCB-type tin). In the past I have tried and succeeded in limiting what I carry to strictly survival items--that is, no bandaids, chapstick, sunscreen, or other similar items which I see as convenience items only. I do understand why people carry these things and I usually have access to them in my pockets, but in the interests of space I've chosen to leave them out of this self-contained kit.

Band aids are not convenience items in the wild. In fact, they are especially important there. Even little cuts are life threatening if they get infected, and covering it with a band aid can make all the difference.

If you have access to them in your pockets, that's fine; but if you're unsure, I'd make room for them. They really don't take up much room anyway, but I know how stuffed survival tins can get!

Also, you're going to want some antibiotic ointment to go with it. Bacitracin, Zinc, whatever; all serve to keep baddies out in addition to covering.