As I do periodically, I'm rethinking the first aid supplies that I keep in my outdoor PSK (BCB-type tin). In the past I have tried and succeeded in limiting what I carry to strictly survival items--that is, no bandaids, chapstick, sunscreen, or other similar items which I see as convenience items only. I do understand why people carry these things and I usually have access to them in my pockets, but in the interests of space I've chosen to leave them out of this self-contained kit.

This is what I've carried in the past and why:

Aspirin (4): for heart attack/stroke
Ibuprophin (4): non-narcotic pain relief
Immodium (2): to prevent dehydration
Benadryl (2): for anaphylactic (sp?) shock
Pepcid AC (1): I had a bout of heartburn once that nearly crippled me. Never again.

My kit also includes the following which can pull double duty as first aid items: space blanket, chemical handwarmer, safety pins (ouch!), a razor blade, and a large sewing needle.

Aside from prescription meds, which I don't currently use, and keeping in mind my survival-only caveat, is there anything--especially medications--that I am missing?

Regards, Vince

Edited by norad45 (06/30/05 02:27 PM)