Still no pot support, nor windscreen.

But for indoors tests, it was not necessary : I just used that stove inside the oven of my gas cooker... <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Ideal conditions : no wind, air temp = 25?C (77?F), initial tap water temp = 21?C (70?F), combustible = "alcool ? br?ler ? 90?" (ethyl alcool, denatured, 90%)
Pot = an alu cup, capacity 1/2 liter, but only 25cl (about 0.066 US gal) of water was used. (that's what is needed for most dehydrated meals I can find here in France).
I loaded my penny stove, with 5cl (0.013 US gal) of ethyl alcool.
Using a boyscout flint, I lighted the stove.
The pot was a bit less than 1 inch above the stove.
The water was boiling after 5 minutes (flames all around the pot ...).
I then added the simmer ring and kept the water boiling for another 45 minutes !!!!!! <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

I needed less than 10 minutes to get 50cl of water to a boiling point, using a Trangia rectangular mess tin (the little one - 11cm or 4.33 inches length)

They are so great (and fun to build - except when the drilling bit is planted in the thumb - see previous post... <img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />), I bought a 6 pack of beer, to make a few other stoves...... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />