Woot, you could find pictures online... Good job, I couldn't find any. They are called Lock & Lock containers and are available in a lot of convenience stores, at least here in eastern Canada. <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

It's probably not 100% waterproof although i'm sure it wouldn't spill too too much, considering this is to bring soup to work and such. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> So I guess it would be alright.

It's not bulletproof either, I took it with my on a fishing trip last week (way back in the woods, which is why I made my kit in the first place), and it has a little crack in one of the corners. It's still a very sturdy, reliable container IMHO. As for price, I can't really give you specific prices but it was slightly pricier than the cheap sandwich containers. But still affordable.

"The only easy day was yesterday."