I was getting ready to made a bunch of item-by-item substitutions and suggestions -- wrong.
One of my kits, my pure emergency, keep your grubby fingers out of it, kit consists of a Ritter/AMD PSK in a 4" x 6" x 1.5" nylon belt pouch. Packed with it are:
Windmil butane lighter (or 2 reg butine lighter with adjustable flames
sheet of MP-1 water pure. tabs
2 space blankets in 1 gal zip bag
splinter picker tweezers
flourescent marking tape
wire saw [I have a new one on order, said to be a big improvement]
30' para cord
another folded 1 gal zip bag
more wire
more needles - lose the plastic bag in the Ritter plastic vial
Photon III
eye drop bottle filled with bleach
assorted zip strip wire ties
Small ziplock with: 6 assorted frabic band aids, 4 steri wound strips, 3-0 silk suture pack; 4 immodium, 4 benadryl, 2 foil mini bags 3-way antibiotic, 2 providone iodine towelettes
I decided that I needed to make a decision about fishing stuff: I needed to either really pump it up, or lose the whole thing. Based upon my travel patterns and climate, I took the fishing gear out of the Ritter kit, and bought a fishing kit from Buckshot's Camp,
www.buckshotscamp.com. He carries a lot of good hard to find stuff, including the best site for snare equipment I have been able to find. He comes to a surprising conclusion: snare gear is not worth the trouble for short term survival scenarios.
If the trip includes the possible need for fishing gear, it comes in a plastic tube I just throw in a bag, otherwise it stays in my much larger EDUse/BOB bag.