I am disappointed in your ill-informed, rude response to the question posed regarding post-nuclear survival. In fact, there is little modern meaningful scientific support for your statements. Many of the industrial countries of Europe have comprehensive civil defense sheltering programs for their citizens, including the many of the Skandinavian countries and Switzerland, Russia, China, and Korea.<br>Nuclear winter is an outmoded and un-scientific concept that has been de-bunked. The only areas that are likely to become "wastelands" are the areas of the midwest that correspond to the missle fields that are high priority ground burst targets.<br>Your suggestion that he campaign for "no more nukes" makes no sense. Our formidable nuclear power and doctrine of "mutually assured destruction" has kept us from a nuclear exchange for the past 50 years.<br>His question certainly is as valid as any discussion about how many items can fit in a Altoid can to make a PSK for daily carry that frequently adorn these pages and merits a polite response. <br><br>