It looks like a product I picked up in Mountain Equipment Co-op a couple of months ago, identified as a "Beeswax Fire Starter" (I think - I don't have the label any more.)

I tried one of them out after reading this post (I know, I should have tested them as soon as I bought them, of course). You need to pull them apart to get them lit, but when you do, you can (with a very little bit of practice) light one with a match in under a few seconds. I tried igniting one with a Ferrocerium rod - the sparks landed and glowed brightly for a little bit but I wasn't able to ignite the firestarter with it. Again, I suppose you could do it with practice - maybe the material wasn't fuzzed out enough. (The "instructions" that came with it were useless - it showed three tiny cartoons, the last of which was of a bear warming himself by a campfire and that was about it.) After igniting it, I dropped it in a pan of water to extinguish it; then I shook and "squeegee-ed" the water off with my thumb and forefinger and lit it again. As long as it remained vertical, with the flame at the bottom, it burned well, even when wet; when it slid to the bottom of the pan, though, it slowly went out (not too surprising, I suppose.)

I think, given its light weight, it would be a useful addition to a mini-PSK, or you could even just stick a couple of them in your pocket when you go for a hike.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."