Since you are talking long term storage the best method is vacume packing. Ceder balls are almost as good as moth balls in keeping out moths but that is about all. That is the why of cedar chests and lined closets. With vacume packing by removing the air you also remove most of the moisture so less chance of mildew along with insect damage. It also reduces the storage size.

You have 2 choices. First that most people think about is the seal a meal systems. If you have them great. They also have them for cloths storage. I.E. storing your winter or summer seasonal cloths. You may see them from time to time advertised on TV. I have also seen them at triple A. You stuff the bags full. They have a one way valve designed to be hooked to a vacume cleaner hose to suck the air out. They come in several sizes and are reusable.
When in danger or in doubt
run in circles scream and shout

And always remember TANSTAAFL