Well I started like everyone else. Fish hooks, water storage bags, waterproof matches, condoms, mini light, signaling mirror, scalpel blade and whatever else I could have jamed into that poor altoid tin. At first I didn't even wanted to open my PSK since I would have problems closing it. So I want over couple of scenarios and started using PSK a lot and made notes of what I need.
Now mind you I'm in NYC. I don’t drive thru suburbs to work. There is a 24 hrs grocery store on every corner. I mean you can justify any item in your psk by coming up with a scenario for it but the question that I ask my self before carrying something is how likely I will use this item for manufactured specified purpose. My urban area may be different from your urban area. And if you read my story about “Mysterious Island” NYC streets are unlimited supply of survival stuff (
So fish hooks? Negative. Nowhere in NYC I will be more than a day of walking from home. Even if I started out in the Bronx and had to make my way to Brooklyn I can walk that 25 miles without food. If I get really hungry I head over to Bronx Zoo or Central Park Zoo and get me a goat or a penguin or a zebra.
Fire starting? I carry my Zippo (after disappointment with Windmill) so I tossed out the boat matches. Why do I need to start a fire in NYC? What scenario could there be out there that I would be forced to start a fire? Signaling? Negative. Warmth? Not really. Make torches for light? Well that’s what flashlight is for.
Signaling mirror? Negative on that one too. Good flashlight will do a job. Last time I used it when I carried it was for my girl to check her hair. Got loads of points for that.
Water storage? Every corner has a garbage can with at your choice of sturdy bottles for carrying liquid. Any size, color and shape to please you all.
Water purification? Again I can do a day without water and when I’m home I can boil it on my MSR stove. Tap water is widely available in NYC. And if it’s not, every store, gas station has some. Every hospital, ambulance has some. You will never be that thirsty that you would have to purify your own water.
Snare wire? Survival Saw? Hmmm not much use of that.
My experiences with 9/11 and Blackout and Snowstorms proved that none of the above would have help me or increased my chances of survival. And now something else. If you ever get pulled out of the red zone during an attack you are going to loose everything you have in a decon process and send packing in salvation army blanket wearing paper scrubs underneath.
What I found I use the most are first aid supplies. Band aids, medical tape, antibiotic ointments, aspirin and Tylenol. I still carry a space blanket, metro card, para cord and some crisp 1 dollar bills. That’s my PSK. I supplement it with my wave, 2 pairs of latex gloves, knife, Zippo, flashlight, tit spork (decided to use metal utensil as to maintain on civilized level when eating my meals at work), radio with emergency frequencies, PDA, cell phone, badge with my EMS ids, rain jacket and Mark 1 kit. My EDC is big but I wear cargo pants. It all distributes nicely. I don’t want to sound cocky or anything, there are stuff out there that will surprise me but as every good manual says: take a step back, reevaluate, adapt, create a plan, take charge or follow, stay cool, execute, go home. It’s all about having good head on your shoulders and not panicking.
Now if I’m far away or go kayaking all this stuff really changes. That’s where “by the book” PSK comes in.