Some years ago, I was on a United Airlines flight which lost pressurization and the oxygen masks automatically deployed. Everyone (including me) sat stunned and looking around at one another for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually, one of the crew - I have no idea who - made a garbled announcement over the speakers. The speech was completely unintelligible, but it finally convinced me to do what I've heard in dozens of pre-takeoff briefings - grab the mask, pull it toward you, place it over your mouth and nose, etc. Only when I did that did the other passengers around me do the same. It was like we were all waiting for the flight attendant to make some sort of announcement before we did anything.
Now, every time I hear a flight attendant give that briefing, I want to stand up and shout "And don't wait for the flight attendants to make an announcement, they'll be too busy donning their own masks."
I read an analysis of a fatal General Aviation accident in which the pilot lost an engine, then tried to glide to a controlled airport several miles away. Tragically, there were two uncontrolled airports within easy gliding distance. The pilot should have known that from his altitude, there was no way he would be able to reach the controlled airport. An analysis of the transcripts of his communications with Air Traffic Control revealed that he had, in effect, turned over control of the emergency to ATC and was simply following their instructions. ATC, of course, was not trying to fly the plane for him - they were simply giving him information to help him make his own decisions. But as the author (Peter Garrison, I believe) said, in an emergency it can be awfully tempting to turn to someone else and say "You got it."
I think that's probably what happens to a lot of "rule followers" - they are so afraid of responsibility that they subconsciously turn over control to someone in authority. By the time they realize their mistake, it may be too late.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."