Hi Norad,

I'm thinking about buying a Leatherman Juice. As for the law about knives, I've read the civil code but it's not clear. All it says is no weapon are allowed in public places including knives. It says nothing about locking blades or anything. But you can carry a pocket knife in the style of a SAK. They kind of leave it to our common sense.

For the paracord, I made a bracelet as I saw in another post that I can wear comfortably on my ankle but in an emergency I think it would not be a good idea because I would have to undo it and it takes some time.

"It seems we are truly all in this together."

That's what I think and I'm perplexed about the attitude of politicians and people here who are acting like ostriches. They all seem to think that we're not a target like the US. But terrorism is something arbitrary that can hit anywhere under all sort of pretexts. Also, Canada is in the list of the five countries Bin Laden mentionned after 9/11. And it's important to understand that it's not directly related to Bush. During the 90s Bill Clinton wasn't the most warlike and yet they attempted to destroy the world trade center in february 1993 and there has been many other terrorist attacks on american ambassies throughout islamic countries. So if the politic of letting go and doing nothing didn't work out, maybe it was time to use another one. The war on Iraq may have been a mistake but the decisions had to be made and they didn't want weapons of mass destruction to fall in the hands of terrorists groups. It's always easier to rewrite history.

"don't worry about your post somehow inspiring terrorists, psychos, or malcontents."

It's not always as clear between political terrorists and malcontents and isolated psychopaths. They often work together. Political terrorists are looking to hire young malcontents with no future and desperate people. It's always the same pattern. So did Hitler. People could have something to eat when they were hired in the Brown Shirts. You seek poor young desperate people and you provide them with a cause, some slogans and the impression of participating in a great adventure...

Anyway I'll stop here because it's tough to write in english which is not my mother tongue and I don't want to go too deep in sensitive issues...
