
Your post seems to be factual and genuine in its concern for users of a potential terrorist target.

What concerns me about this type of post is that it will give ideas to unbalanced publicity seeking malcontents who may not get this information otherwise.

I know that determined people will get as much information as they want, but I worry about sociopaths who are more numerous than political terrorists who might pick up the idea because the post leads them to a known easy target.

I was very impressed in a discussion about nitroglycerin that those people who knew how to make it didn't even list the ingredients necessary. They realize that even on a forum like this that does not generally draw malcontents (Frenchy, keep it zipped. <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />) there exists the potential for damage to the public good either through an accident or by intent.

Love your family and fellow man and relax as you are safer than if you were in an automobile.
