According to the SCRS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) Montréal's subway would be a perfect target for a terrorist attack. Actually they know that there's an Al-Qaeda branch developing something via internet forums and paintball yards. And the question is not if it will happen or not but rather where and when!

Since I take Montréal's subway almost everyday, I'm questioning myself about how I can prepare for it. Should I sit in the first carriage or the last of the train for a better evacuation? I'm also reading the emergency procedures panel and imagining mentally and emotionally proceeding to the opening of the doors... etc. In terms of equippment I only have a LED light and mini Fox40 whistle on my key chain and a handkerchief. In my wallet I got some adhesive bandages but those are there especially for avoiding to stain my clothes when having minor cuts obviously... (I'm not going to carry a gas mask and a hard hat and big multi-tool.)
