LOL No ""Mountaineer" moniker " that was fine with me! I have been called far worse ;-)<br><br>I am a bit lost here "CW" cold weather? if so Me too!!! i use wool and down, systhectic wind buster stuff, never cotton but for the 2 layer "Duotech Long johns which is a layer of cotton and wool laminated to one layer of clothing... I don't care for poly longies much the stink won't rinsee rinsee rinsee and become Oh so clean yuk! but a nice tight water resitant wind proof 2 layer tent...tent with in a tent of cotton seems to me to be a great idea....I would get on for a sled pulling tent if I could afford it......<br><br>I hate the wind sometimes and have chased it yelling and swinging sticks too!<br><br>Once there was a wind when I was in the tee pee that sounded like a bunch of irish banshee's. it took off barn roofs all around where we were living. The next day I saw the papers, and alot of folks were rather miffed about it..... that was i think Jan 94, there was 4' of snow and we had only 1 pair of snow shoes. I made a plastic tee pee cover the day before as i heard this was coming on a battery operated radio. That was funny..... A friend gave me a trailer cover for a 18 wheeler. it was bright black one one side and bright white on the other, and folded up nice! I spread it out partly in a dirt road, and "Saw Right Off" that I needed more room! I began to stuff it in the back of a pick up truck, but it was a fight. near the end I ran and jumped, but air was trapped and I was spit out! I fell and my wife was laughing hard very hard, so hard I can't put it here, as I would be banned from the site, but you can picture it I bet! ;-) We went to a parking area that was for a summer camp and with snoe shoes on spread this out, and a string, tape measure, and knife cut a outter cover for the tee pee....<br><br>The vapor barrier I made was cloth from the dump literally. I found a roll of it and made a long gone ice boat sail and the vapor barrier I have now, the new one is for my wife's stink! Don't tell her I said that ok?<br><br>Got Moose? oh I wish I had Moose I can go see Moose about anytime I get the urge, but Ol' Johnny Law seems to have a wee problem with me harvesting any Ol' time I want...<br><br>I am no fan of cooking, and eat because I have too. If I could stop eatting I would. My wife cooks, but only because I won't, and she is no big fan of eatting either, but better than I am... I never had a seal a meal device, maybe I outta look into it, as that way I can make a mess at home, and not on a trail.<br><br>Something like doing dishes at -40'F just does not sit well with me....... Although this winter it has not gotten anywheres near -10'F yet, but there is still hope for a snap maybe.<br><br>About now I am looking forward to going sugaring with a friend. I have not the means here where I live, so I go beg off sugar from one of my buddies..... My problem is local trees are a tad to far to go for collection. About March 1st is tappin day here..... I think your the fellow from Vt? is that correct?<br><br>If so you know about sugarin.... At one point I asked (if you are that Vt. fellow) anyway how's things up on Mansfield, if you are, but I don't know if you did not reply, or I lost any reply, but I don't recall one.... <br><br>Anyway don't worry about calling me any names.... I laff them off even if they were intended to hurt (yours wasn't) .... I have been to hell and back, and words have become just that words....<br>Mac<br>