You know how some people stroll through life, completely unprepared, and yet NOTHING ever happens to them? Well, my brother and brother-in-law are pretty much like that. I love them both dearly and certainly don't want anything to happen to them.
That said, whenever I demonstrate a newly acquired item I've added to my preparedness kit, my family generally tends to point to my bro and my bro-in-law as examples, saying, but THEY don't carry such things.
I am firmly in the minority around here. My bro might be carrying his SOG CrossCut, but that's about it. My bro-in-law is a true minimalist and optimist, in every sense of the word.
He dislikes carrying anything at all, even a wallet and keys. He carries only his car key and house key. That's it for keys. No wallet. Just his license and a credit card, and maybe a little bit of cash. Nothing else.
His attitude is, nothing bad will happen. And nothing bad ever does happen to him. If things go wrong, he treats it as a grand adventure and shrugs it off.
He's always happy, accepting of what life hands him, and has a very Zen outlook. Sigh. I'd love to be more like him, but I can't.
-- Craig (trying to accept the pessimistic, cynical, and paranoid inner me)