Back when Charter Arms first came on the scene with their lightweight Undercover .38, I purchased one. One day while shooting at one of the indoor ranges, I happened to find myself shooting against a couple of Police Detectives. One of them was using an S&W Chief's Special snubbie, and the other was using a Colt Detective Special snubbie. We were all using lead 158 grain service loads at 50 feet, and my targets were printing a lot better that theirs. None of our shots were off the paper and the groups were pretty tight considering the 2 inch barrel lengths. We did a little gun switching and they both printed better targets shooting the Charter Arms than they did with their personal snubbies. The Chief's Special was nice and light, but I preferred the Colt Detective Special because of the way the handle fit my hand and the extra weight kept felt recoil down.
That Undercover .38 was the gun I sold with the upside down holster I miss so much for revolver carry. I never bought another Charter Arms after that and was disappointed to hear that they were getting a bad rap for quality in their later products. The finish of their products was not great, but the one I had, the mechanics and the accuracy of the gun were great.
I hope Taurus never takes the downward spiral so many gun manufacturers seem to be accused of in the quality of their products.