Sounds like she got what she deserved. Too bad you had to suffer before she was let go. These days, even though our office is very relaxed, I make a deliberate attempt to fly way under the radar.

For instance, a few possible clients AKA strategic partners are visiting our office. I don't work FOR the company AT which I work. I'm a satellite employee of a company in another state. This arrangement works fairly well.

I was not specifically told to dress up from our normal blue jeans, but I will. A nice short sleeve shirt (given the weather), khakis, and a pair of real shoes. No low-hikers, my favorite footwear.

I will also be gearing down a bit. My SwissChamp will not be on my belt, but will ride in my shoulder bag that day. No SureFire E1e on my belt in a Victorinox belt pouch. That will also go into my shoulder bag.

I will clip my SureFire E2e inside my front pocket next to my wallet. You can't see the clip unless you're looking for it. Also, I have a Ripoff pouch that fits my Inova X5-T perfectly. That will ride on my belt, along with my mobile phone. So I will have only two items on my belt that day, one light and one phone.

I will have my beloved Victorninox Midnite MiniChamp II in my pockets along with its best friend, my Spyderco Jester. Those two make a perfect duo. Perfectly capable and yet PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. friendly, too.

-- Craig