There's nothing you can do about personal vendettas. Especially when the rules are used against you. The rules are spelled out in black and white. If someone points out that you are violating those rules, The Powers That Be must act.

The economy is doing alright. Unless you really like the job or the company, I would advise you to look for another job. Even if the person trying to get you fired ends up leaving or getting fired themselves, that little chat you had about your "weapon" is now part of your permanent record.

Even if they said it was informal or off the record, nothing is ever really off the record, especially if a formal complaint is made. A paper trial must be made in case charges are ever filed or it becomes a court case.

In other words, you are marked man. You may be passed over for promotions. You may be the first to be laid off during the next slump. It is not fair, but no one ever said office politics was fair. Office politics is merely another form of warfare.