Prior to PWYP IV, I spent a good deal of time revamping my primary PSKs and FAKs. Since my EDC SAK is a Pioneer Farmer, Pioneer, or Soldier; I typically had no toothpick, tweezers, or scissors. Hence, I added a new SAK to each of my kits - the SwissCard Lite in blue.
The little SwissCard Lite proved a valueable addition to the PSKs. On night one, I went to sleep and must have knocked my primary gear from its resting place. I woke and couldn't find a thing except the PSK container on my belt. I reached in and easily found the SwissCard and it's light. While the diminutive light isn't worth a darn for navigating a dark trail; it can't be beaten for illuminating a tent interior, bivy, truck interior or aircrew cabin. Using the light, I found what I needed and was able to get back to sleep.
On day two, a pesky sliver kept bugging me. Using the SwissCard's magnifying glass, tweezers and pin, I was able to rid myself of the sliver.
On day three, I used the scissors a number of times - from personal grooming to removing a couple product tags that I found irritating. I also used the phillips screwdriver to replace some batteries in a Photon II.
I never got to use the knife blade until the ride home. It makes a heckuva cream cheese spreader for bagels and a heckuva Croghan bologna slicer.
All in all, the little SwissCard Lite made a worthy inclusion in my kits. Worthy enough to merit buying another two yesterday - one for Care, one for Mom.
If you're a certified GAK or alox SAK EDC type, the SwissCard Lite makes a heckuva addition to either your PSK or FAK. I highly recommend them...
[The SwissCard Lite will fit into an Altoids tin.]