We're not quite to "lessons learned" yet, however, the worst of it is over.
April 5th Summary.
Waters receded off most roads yesterday. Cleanup process underway - the damage is widespread and in many cases, permanent. Some areas still inacessible by wheeled vehicles. Major amounts of home heating oil on the ground throughout area.
April 5th
- Waters recede, cleanup begins in most areas.
- Upper Black Eddy Fire Company continues to operate as Bridgeton Township Command Center.
- Pump crews assembled at firehouse and deployed to areas via ATV "Quad Squads" 11 pumps in service from fire company, about 20 pumps in service from the community in service.
- Pennsylvania DOT deploys crews to clear mud and derbris from roads via snow plows
- Canal breech and overtopping flooded areas that will not drain. About 2-3 Million gallons of contaminated water to be removed via large pump rented for the job. Pump moves 2,500-3,000 Gallons per minute, will take several days of 24/7 operation to complete.
- US Army arrives with 5 "Warthogs" each with 400 gallons of drinking water. Water setup at fire station.
- Red Cross arrives with truck full of clean-up supplies and some drinking water. Additional red cross crews arrive to do damage asessment.
Key roads and the main bridge to New Jersey still out of service, 11:20 AM 6 April.