You're missing the point - it DOESN'T MATTER what the "official" list says is or is not allowed - TSA screeners are laws unto themselves and can make up/chage/reinterpret any rule at any time for any reason. The only thing consistent about baggage screening these days is the inconsistency.

Case in point - had to pick my kids up at the airport, and go through the whole ordeal of a strip search just because I had a "gate pass" and wasn't even getting on the plane. I'm resigned to this by now.
In the past they have just noted my name and life history in a log, and I have had to show the gate pass on leaving the security area.
Today, after I had been in the "secured area" for more than 30 minutes, I hear my name over the loudspeaker - I am wanted at the security checkpoint immediately. Even though the kid's plane has landed and they will be disembarking momentarily, I walk the 300 yards back to the checkpoint, where they demand my gate pass. I point out, calmly, that in the past I have been required to produce it on exiting the security area.
The screener said, " I don't care what you were told, give me your gate pass now." When I asked if I would need it to leave the airport, she said, "Just give me the pass, now!" and would not answer the question. I asked to see her supervisor. She threatened to call the police. The supervisor finally appeared, told me to keep the pass, and walked away.
Net result, my kids ended up standing at the ticket counter for 15 minutes wondering where the heck I was.