just aggregating some of the ideas from other threads in hopes to generate more creative ideas along these lines.<br><br>These are ideas that have been put forward for carying PSK items without having to give up a pocket to an altoids sized tin.<br><br>Cordage:<br>The idea of a belt made of cord was put forward and in fact there is a link to a how-to page for the DIY'ers among us. Missing is a link to a source for appropriate belt buckles for this application. The instructions can be found at <br>[url]
http://www.slatts.freeserve.co.uk/slatts-knot.htm[/url}<br><br>Doubleing your shoelaces was mentioned and tried by Jet (thanks)<br><br>Tools:<br>Seems that the mega-keychain is the winner in this category. posted by hthomp.<br> MEGA-KEYCHAIN. It is a jump cord woven key fob (two 3 ft. lengths of jump cord...ends up being about 3 inches long by 1/2 inch dia) with a key ring on each end. One end has the following attached: Leatherman Micra, Suunto zipper pull type compass, Stainless steel "pill holder" (about 1 5/8 inch long by 3/4 inch dia, picked up through Herrington's...marketed as a keychain vial to hold pills or small bottle of nitro...O-ring sealed....NICE) which contains 25 ft. of Spyderwire, $20 bill, copy of driver's license, half dozen assorted fish hooks, 4 split shot, two Spark-Lite fire tinders; Stainless steel keychain butane lighter (2 1/4 in long by 1/2 in thick), Flint key (take blank house key, get pkg of flints used for a Zippo, superglue them end to end in the large groove of key, put shrink tube around to protect, black tape 2 1/2 inch piece of hacksaw blade to it for striker). The keyring on the OTHER end has: Princeton-Tec Blast 2 AAA light (VERY bright for its size, have had and used Photons, etc. just like the light output of this thing), Omega-Pacific whistle (1 7/8 in long, aluminum, a little larger in dia than .22 shell....LOUD), Sears Craftsman 4 way pocket screwdriver (flat, little larger than a quarter...you see some of the old ones with four leaf clover on them), P38 taped for protection, handcuff key, and then, FINALLY about 8 different keys. The entire MEGA-KEYCHAIN laid out is 11 inches long.....but, it does fold up and, surprisingly, is not TOO bulky in a jeans pocket. If it were possible to post a pic on here, I would.<br><br>Fishing kit's<br>There's the one mentioned in the Mega KeyChain above in a pill vial<br>Then theres this one wound on a credit card by prybar<br>I found that I could wind 50 ft of 20 lb test braided fishing line around an old credit card... then cover the line with aluminum foil... with the end of the line exposed, it could be pulled out easily... then wind 3 ft of duct tape and right next to it 5 ft of black elect. tape...<br><br>The whole thing is thin enough to put in my wallet... yet have instant access to any one of the three..!<br><br>These ideas server two purposes well (and perhaps many others)<br>1) Once implemented they are so easy to carry that you will not be tempted to leave them at home (with the possible exception of that Mega KeyChain)<br>2) They are inconspicuous enough not to draw attention - which is a concern to some of us. Though, given the current state of airport security I wouldn't try to get eve an inconspicuous blade on board. These can easily be checked and if lost replaced. This leaves you without a blade in the air and in any situation arising from unexpected landings. It also reduces the opportunities for others to cause an unexpected landing
<br><br>In any case I would be very interested in further ideas along these lines. I currently carry two altoids tins one standard PSK and another with First Aid stuff. I doubt that I could carry all of the same materials without the kit. But It would be interesting to see how much I could. <br>I am a software engineer by day and often need to be presentable in business attire - this limits the type of packaging I can carry. I would love to be able to wear my smaller fanny-pack all day but that doesn't go over well at the office.<br><br>I would also be interested in any info / references that people can provide on sturdy clothing that will take on a business look rather than a paramilitary look when worn in the office environment. Particularly good footwear. I have seen the stuff at campmor and the nycott and taslan stuff looks good but I haven't dropped the cash yet due to it's price. If anyone has had experience with those fabrics in a business setting or can recommend a source for business looking wool Or other things along those lines. <br> Thanks in advance!<br> Brad