Another idea:<br><br> Go to your neighborhood drug store, to the "corns and bunion" section.<br><br> Spend a buck and a half or so for a four- pack of Dr Scholl's blister pads, in the flat blue plastic container. Use the pads in one of your medical kits, but THE PACKAGE IS A JEWEL.<br><br> It's flat, gently curved to fit your leg or butt, depending on where you carry it. 3 1/4" X 2 3/4" X 1/2" deep; strong plastic and easily waterproofed with tape if you overfill it. Probably last for years.<br><br> No rust, stiff enough not to deform, considerably smaller than an Altoids tin -- even in snug pants, it's unobtrusive and practically invisible in your front pants pocket.<br><br> I use it for my urban carry, with band aids, butterfly, OTC meds, twine, mini compass, Photon, Xacto blade, mini sewing kit & safety pins, mini lighter & a sparklite tinde, plus a foot or so of folded duct tape on non stick label paper stockr. I seal it with a couple tabs of Scotch 33+ electrical tape, then wrap it with a couple of rubber bands for miscellaneous use.<br><br>I keep a mini-Fresnel lens in my wallet, plus a key chain with:<br>-CMG Infinity LED flash<br>-SAK (Executive, with scissors, file, tweezers, toothpick, canopener, blade)<br>-cut down mini-Fox 40 whistle<br>-SwissTech mini tool (mini-pliers, stripper, reg & Phillips screwdriver)<br> <br>I think I've read most every thread on this site, and continue to make improvements; but the key chain PLUS the Dr. Scholl's box holds everything I currently favor for everyday urban carry. If I'm going off-road, I take my full bore PSK in the BCB tin with the more wilderness oriented stuff.<br><br>In fact, I like the Dr Scholl's box so well I went back and bought antoher one just in case they ever change their packaging. It would probably work pretty well as a supplemental med's container for those folks not wanting to carry a second Altoids tin to supplement their established PSK with non medical survival items.<br><br> Anyone else seen these? Do you like it as well as I do?<br><br> -- KBPS - If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out Ranger Rick's website :<br><br> Great tricks and tips from an old hand; check out his survival necklace!<br> <br>