Most of the time the questions on this forum don't get so philosophical - What do you think of my new knife? But this time . . . you just had to ask, didn't you?
Why, indeed, do we want to be prepared or feel we need to be prepared? I mean, statistically speaking, what are the chances of the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it? I dare say, rather slim. But, nonetheless . . .
Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but why do I "do it"? Hmmm. The easy answer for me, it's just plain fun. Fun to tinker, fun to plan, fun to play, fun to collect, fun to experiment, fun to learn. First you learn about knives, then you learn about band aids. You see how it works?
My philosophical answer, however, requires more thought. I guess because there are certain things I REALLY like to do and, now this is just me, I find I can't enjoy them nearly as much unless there's fairly great certainty I will "succeed" in the experience. That's why I work out very hard before every ski season. I want to be prepared. Less chance of injury, much more fun. To tell you the truth, though, I don't know if I have an overwhelming desire to succeed or a greater fear of failure. I know that if I do everything right I will have a great time and live to tell about it. But I also know that if I am not prepared for a self-imposed week-long wilderness experience I may die. (Idaho can deal out some pretty nasty cards October through March.) I get a great deal of satisfaction of having (almost) complete say-so over my own destiny in these matters. Usually, I'm the only one there and, if I make it, no one else gets the credit but me. How many things can you do in your life for which YOU are the ONLY one who gets ALL the credit for your success? If I don't make it? Well, I got comfortable years ago with taking responsibility for my own actions and decisions. Is that selfish? Perhaps. But since 99% of my life is for others (and that's ok, too), I feel I'm going to be forgiven for the 1% for me.
On an even deeper level - my mother used to ask me why I don't like mayonnaise. Cuz I just don't. I am who I am and some things just have no other explanation. So, Cameron, why do you need to be prepared?