I find my life goes better when I try to hold myself ready to be of service. Service to the highest thing I can conceive, or service to my fellows, or service to anything.

I don't try to figure out HOW to be of service. My job is to be READY to be of service in whatever form presents itself.

Making myself ready makes my life go better. I think it makes me a better person, but that's beside the point.

For me, this site and the fellowship of this site is about how to make myself a better, more prepared servant. Some of it is knowledge, some of it is equipment.

That's as close as I can come to saying why.

I also know there's some strange thing in me that makes me a "gear-head". To that end, I think survival kits are the ultimate gear-head hobby.

First, you get to embark on an endless search for the best gear possible. Money is no object, since it is, after all, gear that can save your life or the life of your loved ones. How could you settle for less than the best?

Also, if our luck and preparations are good, most of the gear will never have to be used. So we have the excuse to collect the best gear available, and keep it in perfect condition.

What more could a gear-head want?

No fire, no steel.