I'm often unsure of what the solution is to in-air terrorism.

I'm not. We should demand the return of our freedoms. The citizens of this country need to be armed, educated, vigilant, and united rather than disarmed, ignorant, indifferent, and divided, if we intend to secure for our posterity the ideals embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Liberty is paramount. When we exchange Liberty for a false sense of Security, our destruction is assured.

I think that even the most cursory assessment of the general populace will determine that the proportion of terrorists bent on mayhem to the number of responsible, law-abiding citizens is so small as to be almost statistically insignificant--so why do so many people seem to believe that the scare tactics that have been used to usurp the rightful freedoms of the vast majority in the name of "security" are appropriate?

Has any of it made us more "secure"? I submit that the answer is a resounding "NO".
Gemma Seymour (she/her) @gcvrsa