Here's what I carry in my PSK:

- 3 Ibuprofen
- 3 Aleve
- 3 Benedryl
- 4 Immodium AD
- 3 Sudafed
- 3 Protonix (Rx GIRD meds)

The analgesics are those that work on specific problems for me. Your addition of No-Doz seems like a good idea.

I'd also like to mention that I've repackaged all the pills into a single, tiny ziploc bag. I added instructions for all the meds to my cheat sheet. The pills are identified by shape and color. Example:

Immodium AD: Pale blue tablet: For diarrhea. Take with water. Two tabs at onset and 1 tab after each subsequent loose stool; but no more than 4 tabs in 24 hours.

That's both for me and for the novice who's using my kit while I lie unconscious -- and evidently striken with diarrhea. Ugh.

No fire, no steel.