I have a number of Maglite's, 3 Dcell, 2 Dcell and 2AA Mini Maglites. Mostly for work I used to carry a 2 AA Mini on my belt, but I found they wasn't lasting, then I went to the Pelican 2AAA and 2AA lights which left the Mini Maglites for dead, both in reliability and brighter more even beam.
Then I found the Surefire E1e and fell in love with it. its smaller than the mini Maglites and Pelican lights, but the light output is slightly brighter than my 3 Dcell Maglites with a better beam. (side by side my 2 3D cell Maglites look pathetic) In Australia the CR123 batteries are a bit expensive so I found rechargable CR123 batteries, BUT they blow globes, so I bought a 2nd E1e with the KL1 Led attachment, and it is Briliant. The rechargables dont last too long, so I carry 1 or 2 spare normal CR123 batteries, just in case, but overal its cheaper with the rechargables. I now use my Mini Maglite belt holster and have room for a spare CR123 in the bottom, or I can fit 2 spare batteries and the light in the pen pocket some of my cargo pants.
The Surefire's might not suit you, but have a good look at them anyway, the E2e, or 6P sounds like it would be better for you than the E1e like mine. The extra expense was woth it for me, and my work. My Maglites and Pelicans dont get much use any more. If they dont suit, or you want something cheaper I can recomend the Pelicans before the Maglites. The Maglites are still a good light, but here they are too expensive for what you get. Others might be able to compare other brands to these 3, but I havent got much of a choice where I live, so I haven't got too many others to compare them with.
