Good companion. With a good friend or a buddy I would walk to hell, around the world in 79 days and to the moon.

Also good spirit, water, fire, food and tools...

When I started as a board member few years back I carried a lot of heavy and useless items. That changed to carring a lot of light and meaningful items. And that slowly changes to carring few items. Well not really I still do carry a lot but that's becasue I can. I made a point to work on my skills in order to substitue my tools with skills and whatever I can find. That meant practicing in my spare time with different method of starting fire, different type of shelters and med kits. It is hard to make something out of nothing but with practice it can be done. Now still no matter where I go, tool I need the most is my knife. This summer I will try to work on making a stone knife or some kind of cutting tool with whatever I can find on the banks of the river or ocean shore. I'm inspired by the movie "the hunted" with tommy lee jones... I will try to make something that he made at the end of the movie.

Tools without skills give you illusion of safety...