Buy some quality leather dressing and liberally treat both sheath and handle. I use skidmores saddle creme. Apply a drop of heavy grease to the retaining snap to avoid rust and binding. Run paracord through the upper guard for a lanyard and auxiliary retaining loop. This is actually a safer position than a pommel hole. The blade won't swing all over the place. the Ontarios are a little softer Rockwell than Camillus, but have a less radical clip point. The point is prone to snapping o with abuse. People oversharpen and increase the edge angle on these. I've seen them reprofiled until the false groove disappeared and a briefly shiny blade turned into rust. Just keep a useable secondary bevel and the parkerising will protect the rest with normal care and a light wipe of oil. For the rough use this knife was intended for, a cigarette paper slicing scandi edge is not what you want or need. The sawback is actually just right for grooves that fit paracord.