Your ahead of the game with the trailer. I'm going to either find an old one and rebuilt it or just buy a frame and build one from scratch.
Put 1/2 your supplies in the trailer and 1/2 in the house. That way the loss of one or the other you still have half your supplies. I have for example a a lot duplicate set of tools in my truck and my garage. Most of my truck BOB gear is duplicated in other areas as well so the loss of either I still have some gear. I have a bit of each in most rooms of the house, each room has a primary and secondary gear type, for example the kitchen has most of the food stores and the garage has some more. Garage has most of the camping gear and the spare room has the rest. Most of the fuel for the camp gear is in the garage, some in the shed. Most first aid gear in the bathroom, some in the garage, some in the truck/car. So everything has some of a duplicate somewhere. I'm branching out into three locations for everything, primary and two secondaries. So if/when I do get the trailer, I will store 1/2 my water in the primary location of the kitchen, 1/4 in the secondary of the garage and 1/4 in the secondary if the trailer. I'll probably keep my camp grill in the garage and put another smaller one in the trailer and maybe a spare for that in the shed.