Jan Itor: I think the forum rules prohibit such entries as "3 inch sheath knife." I think you're obligated to give the make (or maker) and model of the knife. ;-}

My EDC for the past few months has been:

Left wrist
- Timex Expedition
- Suunto Clipper

- Leatherman Sideclip

Left pocket
- Modified and augmented AMK Pocket Medic in a sewing pouch
- Victorinox Trailmaster (standard, not one-hand opening) on a lanyard

Right pocket
- Modified and augmented Ritter PSP in a sewing pouch
- bandanna
- Benchmade Griptilian, large
- Streamlight Keymate with BSA Hot Spark on the clip

- 6 feet of black paracord (each) for laces

- car and house keys
- BSA Hot Spark
- Bison Spy Capsule, small, with cotton tinder
- Photon II, red
- Jet Scream whistle
- CMG Sonic AAA LED flashlight, white

In my shoulder bag, I also carry:

- wallet (with bandaids and triple antibiotic cream)
- checkbook
- cellphone
- digital recorder
- Palm M105 PDA
- spare eyeglasses
- spare personal meds
- plastic toothpick
- small comb
- 2 Purell sanitizing hand towels
- Cricket miniature butane ligher
- round mirror
- bullet space pen
- 6 3 x 5 in index cards
- small Case lockback
- Spyderco 6 in ceramic hone
- Photon II, green
- Victorinox Trailmaster (yes, this is the second one)
- Moore Medical Fast Aid booklet
- PSK in an Altoids tin
- 50 ft OD paracord
- heavy-duty carabiner
- 25 ft mason's twine, white, braided
- Kel Tec P3AT with extra clip

That's the stuff on my person or real handy throughout the day. It's senselessly redundant in places, but I don't mind it too much. The weight doesn't bother me, and I like having all my toys with me.

Though it wasn't a survival emergency, the power was out at work yesterday. Guess who had enough flashlights to lend out so people didn't have to use the bathrooms in the dark? Guess who had an alcohol burner and pot to make coffee? Guess who had gaffers tape to hold open the locks on several key doorways?


No fire, no steel.