Frenchy and all:

I'm a big fan of the axis lock. One of the best things about it is that the same simple mechanism is used to lock the blade open or hold the blade closed.

I use my axis lock knives in three ways. First with a plain thumbing action on stud or hole. And no, you don't have to do anything with the lock button to do this.

Second, I use some kind of inertia to "flick" the knife open, either unassisted, or with a little boost from my middle finger on the hole or stud opposite the thumb side.

Third, I keep my pivots loose enough that I can pull the lock back and use gravity or the slightest bit of intertia to swing the blade open or closed. (Probably my favorite method.)

It's the action of having to pull the locking button back before gravity will open the blade that keeps it legal.

No fire, no steel.