I think 1000's dead puts more of a damper on ones freedoms don't you?
I realize this is difficult for a non-US citizen to understand however, for many US citizens 1000s dead simply makes us want to stand up for our freedoms even more. My father was in NYCl ess than a block away at the time of the attack. It was quite a while before I knew if he was alright. He lives in NYC with many people whom are no longer with us and many more that lost their families, so you can rest assured that these people (like my father) are no armchair quarterbacks. They were there they suffered and they are angry about the post 911 freedoms they are giving up just like the rest of the country. In the US many of us believe that if we give up too much freedom in the name of security then in fact we have given the enemy what they want. Again Flipper, I realize that not growing up and living inthe USA probably makes this very hard to understand. That is why I try to explain it as clearly and politely as possible.
So to answer you question in short...
I think 1000's dead puts more of a damper on ones freedoms don't you?
No, many of us do not, and furthermore it makes us want to exercise those freedoms and fight to keep them even more than before!

Take A Bus, Simple.
Great plan....until buses start blowing up! Where does it end. The answer should proably be..."Right here!"
Learn to improvise everything.