
Why are you opposed to citizens advocating that the government implement real security measures, rather than the stupid eye-candy that is currently being jammed down our throats?

>>A) NOBODY! should be allowed past security without a ticket for any reason period.

Why not? As I pointed out, a terrorist who intends to commit suicide isn't going to quibble about buying a ticket. The September 11th hijackers went first class - not because they wanted to enjoy their last few moments on earth, but because they wanted to be closer to the flight deck.

>>B) This is the way its gonna be so get used to it.

Why should you have to get used to it? America was a democracy, last time I checked. That means the people tell the government what to do, not the other way around.

>>C) If you think this is bad try flying with El AL

The reason El Al is so safe is that their security measures are designed to actually work, not just impress the sheep.

>>D) There will be another 911 so belly up to the slots and hope you don't hit the jackpot.

No, there won't. There will never be another 9/11 - not if you mean that someday a hijacker will take over an airliner and ram it into a highrise building or national monument. If you mean there will be a terrorist attack somewhere in the United States, then you may well be right - but that doesn't justify the stupid and unnecessary (and ineffective) airport screening. In fact, the airport screening may be presenting them with their next target of opportunity.

>>E) Memories are real short

Not sure what you mean by that.

>>F) Most of the same anti TSA this and thats cried foul on Sept 12 so grains of salt must be taken with these chronic whiners

Again, not sure what you mean by that.

>>G) If your kids were on the planes on Sept 11 youd be singing a different tune.

No I wouldn't. I would be demanding security measures that actually work, and that don't kill more people than they save.

>>H) flying is a privilage and is not guaranteed by anyones constitution.

Flying is a necessity. Bankrupting the airline industry by alienating passengers is not in the nation's best interests.

>>I) I think security and the ignorance of the TSA doesn't go far enough this is no game and pleasantness doesn't count. I anin't shopping a Macy's.

Once again, I have no idea what your point is. If you're suggesting that the security screeners should be even more rude and obnoxious than they already are, then I am suggesting that you are confusing officiousness with efficiency.

>>J) Security maybe a joke and butt covering but its all we got

The problem is, it's NOT security. In the thread on Butane lighters, I listed eight security measures which I believe are all far superior to anything the TSA has done. Most of these are implemented by El Al, which is why there has never (I believe) been a successful hijacking of an El Al airliner. I've posted them before, and I'm not going to post them again.

For what it's worth, I hold the following security designations:

Certified Protection Professional, American Society of Industrial Security;
Certified Information Systems Security Professional, International Informations Systems Security Certification Consortium;
GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst, SANS Institute.

I am also planning to write the exam for the Information Systems Security Engineering Professional designation in February. I have over a quarter of a century experience working in security, including 8 of the last 10 years designing security for military command and control communications systems; and it is my professional opinion that people like Doug Ritter and security consultant/author Bruce Schneier are right, and you are wrong.

I am not opposed to security, as you seem to think. I am opposed to ineffective security that kills more people than it saves. I am opposed to some elected representative with no security training or expertise thinking he can do my job, and botching it. I am opposed to people using "security" as an excuse to settle personal scores or carry out personal agendas.

Trust me, if I believed for one minute that confiscating butane lighters or SAKs, or being rude to a divorced dad who wants to make sure his kid gets on the plane safely, improved the safety of the flying public, the flight and cabin crew, or anyone else, I would be 100% in favour of it. But the sad fact is, I have never yet met a single security professional who thinks it's anything but a waste of people's time.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."