Why should no one without a ticket be refused past the checkpoint? If you do not trigger any alarms or detectors why are you more of a threat? Should parents assume that airline employees will be attentive to their children without interuption? Who's responsible for my daughter if some pedophile skips his flight and makes off with her while the counter rep is answering your questions? Whether I was allowed to wait by the gate with them or not, if my kids had been on one of the fated 9/11 flights they'd still be dead. (A, G)

If you (and others) think that El Al is so blazin hot, move to Isreal. (C)

There was no TSA on 9/12 so to which chronic whiners do you refer? (F)

You admit that security is a joke and butt covering but you don't think that it goes far enough? What are you, 12? (I, J)

There will be another 9/11? Probably, but then why bother with the jokes and butt covering? (D)

We don't have to just "get used to it". That's the sort of passive attitude that has allowed every totalitarian regime in history to take root. The government is here as our servant, not vice versa. If you can't get used to that perhaps you'd be more at home in China, or North Korea, or Sudan, or........ (B)

Most of these same inane "security" procedures are already starting to be implemented for both rail and bus tranportation, so your conclusion doesn't hold
