No Flames People! <img src="/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> The issue here is valid security measures over what is widely perceived to be posturing. Siezing a plastic M1 Garand from a G.I. Joe being taken back to G.B. by a grandmother at LAX case in point. We must also remember that Bin Laden and other members of the Wahabi sect have stated our open society is anathema to their perverted version of islam. They want us to lose our hated freedoms. There are always people with hidden agendas who use world events to promote their own goals. Terrorism in the name of islam is a serious issue, but not the only one. The first renewed commercial flight from the U.S. recently landed in Vietnam. Some of us here remember the day helicopters were being shoved over the side of carriers and fluency in vietnamese will get you faster service at a Little Saigon convenience store and a blank stare at a job interview. Our domestic freedoms were under assault then, and they still are today.