Not trying to incite you more, but these people are doing thier jobs. You don't have to like it. Maybe they aren't perfect, but niether are you nor I. Try to imagine the ammount of crap they get every day. The insults "screenernazi" is a good one. You may only be posting it here, but I hear it on the radio and I am sure these people here it said to thier faces. Yes you or the person you observed this happening to may have had a tough time, but I doubt they were "strip searched". Being asked to remove your shoes (even though the detector didn't go off) and having you unbuckle your belt and being manually checked is far from a strip search. This is a small price to pay for the PRIVELAGE to fly. There are a lot of problems with this organization, and you can tell yourself that "I would do it differently!" But in the end, pretty much everyone here works for someone else, and these folks with the TSA are for the most part trying to do their jobs to the best of thier ability. Imagine trying to accomplish your job while under incredible public scrutiny over your every action. Try doing it knowing that a mistake could literaly cost the lives of thousands. Yes they have a long way to go, and the learning curve is high. Perhaps next time you may put yourself in their shoes. Take a breath, be thankfull the kids got to mom's house and back in one piece and ask yourself just how much you are willing to go through to see them safely back home again.
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.