Gloves. CPR mask is much better than the shield. Some kind of blood stopping supplies. Sam splint.

I was working all weekend and studying so I came upon this thread a bit to late but Pete made some right suggestions. Oxygen was, is and will be our best friend but who wants to lug a tank around even if it is a carbon tank that weight close to nothing.

Also situations that you mentioned are Multi/Mass Casualty Incidents. One pocket mask, one splint are not going to make a difference. We don't splint during train wrecks. We don't do CPR. Main idea is to move them out if they can maintain their airway. If they can't; they get a black tag and are left to die. Stuff that I really would love to have such as IV fluids, tube kits, drugs, BVMs are either illegal to own or too bulky. But than comes a question of legal issues. How far trained off duty personel is willing to go? Sometimes best treatment is the managment of the scene.

You know that pepper spray stuff in NYC that happened over the weekend? We all carry anti pepper spray wipes if I get hit by a perp or pd during restrain. All those people's sign and symptoms could have disapeared in a second. WHy that stuff wasn't used? Because it would extend out scope of practice, we would use illegal medication and loose our certifications. Just because right equipment is on the scene it doesn't mean it will be utilized.
