Looking for a "perfect" container for my PSK. As I've tried most, altoid tin's etc etc what I "want" but can't seem to locate is a stainless steel or titanium nesting container , sort of like a soap dish style. <br><br> Both side's will each have a one cup capacity yet as I stated above will nest like a soap dish for carry thus contain the space of one cup capacity in carry mode. <br><br><br> I would also like the container to have off set small breather holes at the top edge of each end that when nested in one manner would allow the manufacture of char cloth in a camp fire and when nested in a storage manner would not line up. <br><br> These would also do double duty as small holes to affix a wire bail to heat up a cup of bullion or tea when and if per se. <br><br>The polished surface on one side , used for self inspection or signaling can be protected by a small plastic frensel lens that is then wrapped with 550 para cord in storage with a ranger band securing the exterior. <br><br>These are just my needs and what I desire in a PSK container of course. Suggestions welcomed....<br><br>Does anyone know of such a "dish" or container or of a place that makes such containers or will based on my design and needs.......<br><br><br>Thanks ahead of time,......Stay Safe !