This one is mostly directed towards Chris Kavanaugh. I have wrapped "Ranger Rubber Bands" around the outside of my PSK. I find it helps add a little friction to keep it from sliding around in my BDU cargo pocket. Plus they can be used for all sorts of stuff incuding fire lighting. A friend of mine gave me the idea. When I tried it, the band in question burned real hot and long. <br><br>I have six total bands wrapped around my "Altoids tin" 3 in one direction and three in the other, over the 550 cord I have wrapped around my tin. They don't take up much space and they help keep the cord from getting nicked by other things in my pocket. <br><br>You can get them from Brigade Quarter Master in different sizes. I would give you the link directly to the page but it's too long. The site is Just type in Ranger Rubber Bands in the site search.<br><br>Have a good one. Hope it helps.<br><br>Koz