And while we're talking snakes...

As I walk along a forest path, I scan as far ahead as I can, then walk a little less than that distance, then scan ahead again. I don't like to walk with my eyes down on the path all the time, and periodic scanning seems to work.

The first two times I encountered diamondbacks, I was one step away from them. That is, I had to stop my step in mid-air to avoid stepping on them, then teleport back a few yards. (I'm not kidding. I have no idea how I retreated from one step to three yards away. It just happened.)

By the third encounter, I was skilled enough at scanning ahead that I saw the snake from three or four steps away. It's not that I saw a snake, either. Some pattern-analysis routine in my brain detected too regular a pattern on the ground ahead and sent a warning message in an adrenalin envelope straight to my consciousness.

How do you deal with a snake you encounter? It does no good to throw things at it. That only makes them angry. And I couldn't hold a stick that was long enough for me to feel safe pushing a diamondback off the path.

The only thing that works is to back off twenty paces or so, then approach the snake at a normal pace, but stomping as hard as you can. Evidently they can't hear very well, but they can feel the vibrations, and are interested in avoiding being stomped on.

No fire, no steel.