I went on a two mile barefoot hike two days ago after work. The soles of my feet are already pretty tuff from being barefoot on a regular basis around town and at the lake so it really wasn't uncomfortable except for the first 100 yards near the trailhead where the park staff has poured gravel over the trail. I read at http://www.barefooters.org that gravel is a great way to condition your feet too so I was more than willing to endure that first 100yards. Anyway as far as my hike went overall... let me just say this... "WOW!!!". You're not kidding about seeing a lot more animals and getting a lot closer to them without spooking them. I hiked a trail that I have hiked many many times before and this time I walked right up on all kinds of furry little critters that I had rarely if ever seen on that trail before, and I wasn't even trying to be quiet. It was a very enjoyable experience. It was a very good feeling to pull in to the state park on the way home from work, hop out of the truck, take off my button-down shirt and my shoes and socks and venture out on the trail with just my jeans, t-shirt, and my normal EDC/PSK gear. I don't want to get to "mystical" sounding but it felt great for other reasons also. I'm not sure that I can really explain that part of it though... however, the words "liberating" and maybe "enlightening" do come to mind. Anyway, thanks for introduction to barefoot hiking! I would recommend it to anyone who is already a competant and experienced hiker and/or outdoorsman who is physically able to do it safely. It was great! I foresee a lot more barefoot hiking in my future... maybe even today!!! <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Learn to improvise everything.