Bob<br><br> I believe that you are really looking at this from a different level than the rest of this forum does.<br><br> We are mostly interested in "lost in the woods," or "small plane/boat goes down," etc. and surviving those first 24 to 72 hours till Search And Rescue (SAR) comes to pick us up and dry us off.<br><br> This means that we are looking for mostly small kits, PSK stands for Personel Survival Kit and is of a size that fits in a tabacco tin, and pretty much taking care of ourselves, though I don't think that any of us would ignore someone in need. You might want to look at some of the articles on the home page to get the flavor of this fourm. This article give a good idea of the flavor of this forum, as does by, and about, forum member Kris Kavanaugh.<br><br> Good luck in your endevors.<br><br> Seth<br>