Thanks for the comments folks.

Trusbx, this vest is one of my favorites simply because it can carry an extensive set of stuff in a relatively flat "normal" manner. Most vests marketed today have either too many pockets or the pockets are too big which while it allows more carry options does not really fit in for daily office wear.

My guess is that even the dry tin cloth version of this vest may be too hot in the tropics but you may want to look at the new Royal Robbins Audubon Field vest. It is in suplex nylon and looks like a possibility. It has more pockets but many are flat. I have not tried one on yet but mean to someday.;iSubCat=105

I am sure you all can find bits of gear that are unessential and ones that are missing....that is my whole point though. Your stuff should be based on your needs not mine.

Thanks again....this article has been my most read one to date, more hits in two days than some of my others in months...thanks.