Right on Brain, Same Page.

"You're suggesting I go naked and empty-handed instead of taking such unnecessary luxuries as a knife? LOL "

Why not the Special Forces do.

Just in case.
Set up two camps one with all the necessary equipment and the other with just you. It is always good to have a partner handy either by phone or in person. Take all the necessary precaution first though.

I only say this because the old timers wont like me saying these things they do not like it extreme. They know you can easily get hurt, but the way I see it is that Danger is a great teacher if you Survive.

P.S. Remember Brain this is Dangerous stuff were talking about and not for inexperienced kids. I do not know your situation if you are not a legal adult do not do it!! Even in controlled situation things can quickly happen. I am a Rock Climber an I personal know people who have died and others who have been seriously hurt, one is in a wheel chair for the rest of his life because he broke his neck in a fall. This all happened because their egos were to big and they did not respect the mountain and the danger at hand. Before they knew it they were in trouble and could not turn back. Please do not forget what I say!!!